Your path to Conscious Commerce starts now. Discover what solutions and changes can have the biggest impact on Climate Change.
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Voting with your dollar means spending your money on products from brands whose practices align with your values. Every time you choose Organic or Fair Trade Certified products, or buy from a company that follows a triple bottom line you’re sending a message that environmental and social responsibility is important to you as a consumer.
Conscious Commerce reinforces this to companies trying to make the right choices for people and the planet, and it puts pressure on the ones that are losing your business to shift their practices to align with what you’re demanding from them. Read this great article about how to vote with your dollars or learn more about the film.
It’s easy to start voting with your dollar right now, with a few simple changes you can take action in your daily life and start making an impact now! Here are just a few easy suggestions to get you started:
Support brands that are certified fair trade or organic
Implement Plant-Based habits when possible
Provide feedback to companies you buy from and encourage sustainable practices
Switch to Regenerative Energy sources when possible
Recycle, Compost, and be Mindful of Waste
Support or work for triple bottom line companies
Sustainability is complex, and while sustainability today talks much about addressing overconsumption, overproduction, underutilization, and waste, there’s no way around it … in our modern world, you’re going to be buying things. And when you do, if you really want to effect change, you can choose to support brands and organizations who are doing business in a way that aligns with your values. Because every dollar we put towards one brand, service, or product over another, shows the marketplace what we value most. Take time to Discover, Track and Commit to making choices for a more sustainable future for everyone.
Your path to Conscious Commerce starts now. Discover what solutions and changes can have the biggest impact on Climate Change.
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Every action, no matter how big or small, counts. Track your sustainability journey and feel your impact through all your positive actions.
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Every time you buy – or don’t buy – a product, you’re sending a signal as to what is important to you. Causes that were once niche, like Fair Trade, will turn into industry standards one day. Make the choice to Vote with Your Dollar Every. Single. Day. Get Green America’s Toolkit
We believe the next generation can change the world.
That’s why we created The Seeding Change Initiative — to support and inspire our future social entrepreneurs. We give students or student groups support with their Triple-Bottom Line projects or businesses and teach them the ins and outs of sustainable business to help bring them to life.
The Triple-Bottom Line business model measures a business or project's performance from an economic, social and environmental stand-point.